Summer Fundraising Ideas

Summer’s finally here which means lighter, longer days and (hopefully) some sun! Make the most of this with our summer fundraising ideas!

1. Tennis Tournament

Getting into the Wimbledon spirit? A tennis tournament is a great way to make the most of the warm weather. Ask some friends to donate to take part in the fun. You could even serve strawberries & cream at the end, asking for donations per bowl.

Two tennis racquets and a ball sitting on the ground

2. Fitness Challenge

Now is a great time to improve your fitness- whilst raising money for charity at the same time! Pick your challenge- a sponsored swim or cycle, walk 10,000 steps a day for a month, or sign up to a park run near you- your choice! Check out our challenge events to find out more.

Group of people running outside, some are cheering

3. School Sports Day/Fun Run

Team up with some friends and host your own sports day. Choose your activities- this could be an egg & spoon race, fancy dress relay or wheelbarrow race!

Or set up a school fun run for everyone to enjoy! Read how Hasini & Hansika created their own fun run, complete with stalls such as glitter tattoos, guess the weight of the cake and sponge the teacher!

Excited women with winners cup4. Summer Bake Sale

Create some summer inspired baking goodies to sell… think Victoria sponge, scones & cream, a fruit flan or lemon drizzle! Check out our bake sale guide to find out more.

Strawberry and blueberry flan on a plate

5. Scavenger Hunt

Have fun and get your friends and family running all over town, either physically collecting items or taking photos. Charge a registration fee to take part and sell some refreshments at the end!

Notebook, pen, clock and phone

Or check out our A-Z fundraising ideas for more inspiration. If you have decided to use one of these ideas, we would love to see how you got on! Please send any pictures of your event to [email protected]