Financial support for medical students in Northern Ireland

If you live in Northern Ireland and remain there to study, you might be eligible for the following financial assistance.


  • You won’t have to pay any tuition fees before you start your course or while you are studying.
  • The maximum tuition fee you can be charged is £4,710 in 2023-2024 if you study in NI.
  • You may apply for a student loan for fees which is non income-assessed for the first four years of your course.
  • In your fifth and later years your fees will be paid in full by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSPPS).

Living costs

For the first four years, depending on your personal circumstances, you may be eligible to apply for:

  • Student Loan for maintenance of up to £6,776 (£5,250 if living with parents or £9,492 if studying in London).
  • Maintenance grant or Special Support grant (up to £3,475) iof family income is below £41,065
  • Adult Dependants’ Grant
  • Parents’ Learning Allowance
  • Childcare Grant
  • Travel Grant
  • Disabled Students’ Allowances
  • Loans for extra weeks of study

In the fifth and later years of your course, depending on your personal circumstances, you may be eligible to apply to Student Finance Northern Ireland for a DHSPPS bursary for living cost support:

  • DHSPPS Maintenance Bursary income assessed
  • Reduced rate non-income assessed Student Loan for maintenance (fifth year on)
  • Adult Dependants’ Grant
  • Parents’ Learning Allowance
  • Childcare Grant
  • Travel Costs
  • Disabled Students’ Allowances

Other financial help

  • Check out the Queen’s Bursary Scheme at Northern Ireland’s only Medical School. This is similar to the Access Agreement Bursaries in England, and Welsh universities may have similar schemes.
  • Support Funds
  • University Funds – some universities have their own Hardship Funds
  • Child tax credit
  • Working tax credit
  • Welfare benefits

Studying outside Northern Ireland

If you study in England, Wales or Scotland the living cost and tuition fee support you receive will be broadly the same as if you studied in Northern Ireland. Your fees will be £9,250.

If you study in ROI you will be required to pay a student contribution charge, but are not charged fees. Some Northern Ireland students studying in Republic of Ireland may be able to receive a non-repayable grant towards the contribution fee from Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI).

You can also get an enhanced loan of £9,492 if living in London.

There are Access Agreement Bursaries in England which are similar to the Queens’ Bursary Scheme. Similar schemes may operate in Welsh universities.

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