What we do

Help that makes a difference

The RMBF provides support for doctors and their families through all stages of their career and beyond. Our help ranges from financial assistance in the form of grants to a telephone befriending scheme for those who may be isolated and in need of support.

Guided by the profession

The majority of our Board and our volunteers come from a medical background. This means that as an organisation we understand the unique pressures facing doctors on a day to day basis.

Funded by medical families

The RMBF relies on voluntary donations. The money we raise to support doctors and their families comes from fellow doctors and their families. Without the help of our generous donors we could not continue to provide vital support to the medical profession.


Who we help

Every year the RMBF helps hundreds of doctors, medical students and their family members who are in serious hardship due to age, illness, injury or bereavement.
We provide support to doctors of all specialties and at all stages of their careers.

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Young doctor
Young woman

How we help

Regular monthly grants

Help towards day-to-day living costs for doctors and their families facing hardship

Back to work awards

Retraining costs, professional fees and childcare costs for doctors returning to work after illness


RMBF and BMA's confidential support service for doctors experiencing mental health issues

Doctor Advice Hub

Expert articles covering career advice, wellbeing, money matters and more

Financial advice

Our beneficiaries can access a money advisor for debt management help and other financial advice

Medical student grants

Grants for medical students facing exceptional hardship, to assist with essential living expenses while studying

Med Student Advice Hub

Wellbeing advice, plus our free online student money adviser service

Refugee doctor grants

If you are a refugee doctor retraining to practise medicine in the UK, we may be able to help with a one off award

Telephone befriending

Our volunteers provide regular friendly chats over the phone, offering emotional support to beneficiaries who may be isolated

Latest news

All the latest updates on our programmes, campaigns and activities.

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