The Laura Hyde Foundation

Who they help Healthcare professionals and emergency service workers who are seeking mental health and wellbeing support for themselves or colleagues Type of help provided The Laura Hyde Foundation is...

The Fathom Trust

Who they help The Fathom Trust supports people in physical, mental, or spiritual distress by restoring life-giving connections to body, soul, nature, and society. We are developing an innovative model...

Medical Schools Council

What they do Formerly the Council of Heads of Medical Schools, the Council aims to: Be a principal source for informed opinion and advice on all matters relating to basic medical education...

Medic Footprints

Who they help: Medics and medical students seeking wellbeing and alternative career opportunities.

Ratford Retreat Centre

Who they help Primarily healthcare professionals Type of help provided Not for profit residential courses held at the centre in Wiltshire, supporting students and qualified doctors on a range of...

Medics’ Money

Who they help All doctors from F1 to Consultant/GP and beyond. Empowering all doctors to make better financial decisions. Type of help provided Free step by step guides and information...


Who they help People who need to speak to someone about their problems. Common reasons people contact Samaritans are: relationship and family problems loss, including loss of a friend or...


Who they help Doctors who are dealing with stress-related anxiety and depression. Issues covered include: Relationship difficulties at work and at home Burnout and work/life balance Bullying or harassment at...

The Louise Tebboth Foundation

Who they help Projects and services which support doctors at risk of suicide and initiatives which assist the bereaved families of doctors who have died by suicide Type of help...