RMBF expects more requests for help as NHS Covid sick pay comes to an end
Special sick pay provisions established at the start of Covid are being stopped, leaving many NHS doctors in England financially vulnerable. The arrangements allowed doctors to receive full pay when off work as a result of Covid, no matter how long they are absent.
Studies show that compared with the general population, healthcare workers with direct patient contact were nearly twelve times as likely to contract Covid compared with the general population. They have also been at higher risk of developing long Covid.
Currently, over 10% of doctors who approach the RMBF for help are struggling financially because of long Covid – even before the changes to sick pay come into force. The charity is preparing for a surge in demand for support.
RMBF Chief Executive Steve Crone said: “We are very concerned what these changes in sick pay mean for doctors with long Covid who are not able to work. Their mortgage and bills will still need to be paid, and we are faced with a cost of living crisis. While the RMBF will always be there for doctors in need, we shouldn’t be left to plug the gap for doctors who have provided care throughout the pandemic at the expense of their own health.”
Help from the RMBF
If you are facing financial hardship due to long Covid you may be eligible for financial support from the RMBF.