Owen’s Story: ‘I’ve seen first hand what a difficult and demanding job doctors have’

Owen completed an incredible 55 mile cycle ride from London to Brighton to raise money for RMBF.

About me

Hi, my name is Owen. I’ve just finished my first year of A levels. After experiencing my grandad suffering a heart attack 5 years ago and seeing the care and treatment he received in hospital, I became passionate about pursuing a career in medicine.

When I found out about the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund, it looked like a great charity that supports aspiring doctors like myself.

Owen Reece and his mother holding their bikes and medals after the cycle

I’ve seen first hand what a difficult and demanding job doctors have, as well as it being incredibly rewarding.

Why I chose cycling

Ever since I’ve been a young child I’ve loved cycling and have been fortunate to experience a range of events, from cycling hundreds of miles around Europe with my family when I was 10, to competing in triathlon races throughout my early teenage years. Due to the pandemic and my GCSEs, I found it difficult to participate in competitive sports.

However, this year I set myself the goal of cycling from London to Brighton for a good cause, which helped me rediscover my love of cycling. During my many training rides before the event, I set myself small challenges to increase the distance each time. I found that doing this regular exercise was really beneficial to my mental health, as well as a positive break from my studying.

The event

On the day of the event, the weather was very hot and humid, but the atmosphere of the event with the riders and the crowds meant that the miles just whizzed by. I’m proud to say that I managed to cycle up Ditchling Beacon without stopping, which had a gradient of up to 16% in places. At the top I treated myself to a well deserved ice-cream.

What’s next

Owen Reece and his mother, having completed their cycle

After completing this event, it has inspired me to do more organised sporting events, such as the 45 mile New Forest Tour in September, where I’m aiming for a gold standard time.

I like to challenge myself with cycling as I find it rewarding and healthy, as well as being able to raise money for a great cause.

Thank you Owen for this brilliant achievement and helping raise awareness and funds for doctors and medical students in vital need of help.

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