
Advice for doctors struggling with the cost of living
Finding it hard to make ends meet as a doctor? We've compiled some advice and useful links
Finding it hard to make ends meet as a doctor? We've compiled some advice and useful links
Moral injury can occur when doctors feel they are not giving the high standard of care they want to deliver. Learn more about moral injury, burnout and PTSD.
Doctors can experience suicidal thoughts, just like everyone else. Find resources, advice, and urgent helplines here.
Find out more about vicarious trauma and secondary trauma, how to cope with it as a doctor, and how to prevent it
Advice for doctors and medical students on coping with the impact on your wellbeing when a patient you have been caring for dies.
Discover key strategies to understand and handle difficult patients as a doctor or medical student
Doctors may have to deal with difficult situations and take great responsibility – often with little support. Learn how to recognise burnout and access help.
Resources from the RMBF's "Self-care Sunday" event, where wellness experts hosted online sessions on a variety of topics, to help you stay caml and collected.
This guide is produced by the Association of Anaesthetists in association with the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund Anaesthetists are high academic achievers with practical skills, the ability to keep calm...