Eight ways to have a healthier lifestyle at medical school

During stressful times at medical school, healthy habits and exercise can take the edge off the pressure and help you stay at your best. RMBF student volunteer Zahra Almansoor shares her tried and tested tips…

Drink more water

Not only is drinking water good for your skin, health and digestion, it will also give you more energy and help you focus better whilst studying. High reward for low effort!

Prepare snacks

We’ve all been there: studying for hours on end and mindlessly snacking on whatever is left around, or having to head off in search of food. Prepping some healthy and delicious snacks in advance can beat the hunger pangs and save you time.

Make time for exercise

Don’t feel guilty for scheduling an hour or two out of your busy study schedule to exercise. From improving memory and concentration, to lowering your stress levels, the benefits of exercise almost seem tailor-made for medical students!

Get into a routine

Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, exercising at the same time each day is proven to mean you skip fewer workouts.

Active study breaks

It’s tempting to scroll through Instagram when taking a break from the books. But doing 20 sit-ups instead is guaranteed to leave you feeling more energised and focused.

Small changes, big difference

Take the stairs instead of the lift, or park further away than normal. This tip doesn’t sound like much, but you’d be surprised how quickly it adds up, allowing you to be more active without even thinking about it.

Home workouts

Don’t have time to go to the gym? Sorry, you’ll have to find a better excuse! With so many home exercise apps available, you can still get a challenging workout done without leaving the comfort of your home.

Buddy up

Exercising with a friend will make it a lot more fun, and you’re much more likely to stick to it!

Photo credit: Gebiya Putri on Unsplash 

Need more support?

If you are in your final two years and you are facing financial hardship due to a change in circumstances caused by illness, injury, disability or bereavement, you may be eligible for financial support.

The Vital Signs for Medical Students gives helpful advice on dealing with stress and presssure at medical school.

Our online Advice Hub has lots of tips on finding funding and navigating university, as well as a free medical student money advice service.